arcane sorrows

stuff and words

88x31 buttons

Buttons of this specific size (88x31 pixels) are an interesting artifact of the old internet. Many websites were decorated with them, but they were usually not paid advertisements, despite what a modern viewer might expect. They showcased the interests of the site owner, or linked their befriended sites.

There are many archives that collect these buttons, old and new.

My buttons

I've made a few of these buttons myself!

This is the first banner I made, meant for this website. Very simple, just text and (in the animated version) a cheesy glint animation to catch the viewer's eye.

This one is based on sleazy adult ads you'd sometimes see around. The fact that my mind tries to filter it out as a sus link means that I succeeded in capturing the vibe I was going for. Features art of myself made by Mekmarchu and OhLordyIt'sJordie. Needless to say, the mastodon it links to in the footer is for adults only.